News and Information for members
Key Dates:
- First rehearsal, Autumn Term - Monday 4 September 2023
- Open Evening and Rehearsal - Monday 11 September 2023
- Annual General Meeting (followed by rehearsal) - Monday 18 September 2023
- Nominations for Committee roles - to the Secretary please by 30 August 2021
Description of Committee roles for election at AGM
As the title suggest, the Chair of Trustees is responsible for chairing the committee meetings and also takes on other roles as agreed with the committee and in line with the charity's constitution. Traditionally, this has been a leadership role within Sussex Chorus with the Chair ensuring that the committee works together effectively and strategically for the benefit of the choir.
The role also carries a level of responsibility, with the support of other Officers and the committee members, for ensuring that the charity, and any events it runs, are organised and managed properly with due consideration for relevant legislation. The Chair is important in the support for the Director of Music and Accompanist.
The Secretary of Sussex Chorus is an elected officer position and is therefore a member of the Committee and a Trustee. A key responsibility of the Secretary, in liaison with the Chair, Treasurer and other committee members, is to manage arrangements for Committee meetings and the AGM including preparation of Agendas, distribution of any necessary papers, the distribution of minutes and all necessary record keeping.
This is an important administrative and communications role for the choir and the Secretary carries out administration related to maintaining records of and communicating with the membership, as well as ensuring that general enquiries to the choir are either dealt with directly or passed on to the appropriate volunteer, such as the Membership or Friends co-ordinator.
An interesting and important element of the role is to manage arrangements related to rehearsal and concert venues and contracting with soloists and other performers. Collaborative working with the Director of Music, Concert Co-ordinator and publicity lead is an important part of ensuring smooth running of the choir and its events.
Whilst this is a pivotal role for the choir, it is not an expectation that the Secretary always carries out every task required but that they will liaise with other helpers and encourage a collaborative approach to completing necessary work.
This is an ideal role for anyone who would like to develop their skills and build experience in charity administration and managing events.
Our Constitution requires a minimum of four Committee Members. Also, Trustees, these individuals are really important as they play a significant part in setting the overall direction of the choir, discussing future programming with the Director of Music and supporting the smooth running of the organisation. Some committee members take on specific responsibilities - Richard Moon's contribution to managing ticketing is a prime (and highly valued!) example - but the team also benefits from specialist knowledge and experience that can be extremely helpful to meetings and the effective and safe management of the choir.
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